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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Oranges

Is it Safe for Beardies to Have Citrus – Mandarin, Tangerines, Clementines?

Virtually everyone loves taking orangs. This is because of their sweet taste and also because of their nutrient content. While oranges are great for humans, it does not appear like they are that good for bearded dragons. Not many people are aware of how safe oranges are for bearded dragons. This has made lots of pet owners wonder if it is safe to feed their bearded dragons with oranges.

If you have the same question on your mind, read on to find out if bearded dragons can comfortably take oranges.

Oranges are great fruits and contain lots of nutrients. They, however, can put your bearded dragon in danger. Some reasons for this are;

They are Rich in Sugar

All things being equal, bearded dragons are not supposed to eat lots of fruits. This is because the average fruit contains a lot of sugar. Oranges are very sweet and could cause obesity in bearded dragons when they are consumed a lot. In addition to obesity, they could suffer from heart failure, diabetes, fatty liver diseases, etc.

Oranges contain Oxalic Acid 

Just like other citrus fruits, oranges are rich in oxalic acid. This acid attaches itself to calcium to create a compound known as calcium oxalate. The formation of this compound significantly depletes the level of calcium in the bearded dragon’s bloodstream. This leads to metabolic bone disease. Bearded dragons that deal with this condition are known to have issues like paralysis, deformities, and soft bones. Although this condition does not always end in death, in very serious cases, it ends up being fatal.

The truth remains there are no issues associated with oxalic acid in small amounts if your bearded dragon eats balanced diets and takes calcium supplements. Nonetheless, oxalic acid is high in oranges. They, therefore, might not be so safe for your beardie.

They Contain Citric Acid

This is as expected as orange is one of the various citrus fruits. Oranges are rich in citric acid; this acid can lead to heartburn and cause irritations in the stomach lining. Humans are not the only ones that have to deal with heartburn when they take oranges in excessive amounts; bearded dragons also deal with such issues. 

When bearded dragons take in a lot of citric acids, they might suffer from diarrhea, which might cause dehydration. This might not seem like much as bearded dragons are desert animals and can cope with being dehydrated. Nonetheless, it is an occurrence that has to be avoided.

Also, when bearded dragons deal with diarrhea for a long time, they lose the ability to absorb nutrients into their blood stream. This is a situation that will make the dragon’s health deteriorate very slowly.

There are pet owners that give their dragons oranges once in a couple of months. While this seems perfect, it just might not be worth the risk.

Sometimes one wonders if it is okay for bearded dragons to eat tomatoes in good quantity and frequently because they are citrus fruits. Although lots of people consider tomato to be a citrus fruit, it belongs to the nightshade family. Therefore, unlike tomatoes that your bearded dragon can eat occasionally, oranges should almost never be given to them.

Is it Okay for Bearded Dragons to Eat Mandarin Oranges?

Mandarin oranges do not have as much acid as traditional orangs. Due to this, it might look like they can be given to bearded dragons without any risk of the ailments caused by citric acids. Mandarin oranges might not contain as much sugar as regular oranges. They, however, have enough sugar to cause issues to your dragon’s digestive system.

That’s not all. Mandarin oranges contain more sugar than regular oranges. This makes lots of people take them regularly. Although it is okay for the average person to feed on oranges regularly, the same cannot be said about bearded dragons.

Can Bearded Dragons Feed on Orange Peels

Orange peels do not contain the sugar that oranges contain. Nonetheless, they are not good for your bearded dragon. They are rich in calcium, which your dragon can get a lot from. However, they contain orange oil and oxalic acid, which you should avoid if you want your beardy to stay healthy. That’s not all. They do not have a very comfortable texture. They are, therefore, not so easy for bearded dragons to eat.

Fruits Bearded Dragons can feed on Comfortably

There are quite some fruits that your bearded dragon is not supposed to eat. In the same way, there are fruits that are just great for your bearded dragon. These fruits can be eaten weekly without the risk of any ailment developing. Some of these fruits are papaya, mango, figs, cantaloupe, apples, etc.

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